Improving Your Car's Performance

Improving Your Car's Performance

How To Tell If Your Car Needs A Tune-Up

by George Mason

When you're a mostly-responsible car owner, you probably wonder when you should be taking your car in for a tune-up. After all, you do regular oil changes, you do your best to keep the tires inflated, and you pay attention to the "check engine" light when it comes on. But, when should you be taking your car in for a complete tune-up? There are four areas of your car that need regular maintenance: fluids, filters, belts, and ignition.

Get It Started

Your ignition system is made up of three basic parts: plugs, wires, and coils. You know that you should look at the ignition when your engine has trouble running smoothly. If you're experiencing problems like backfiring, it's definitely a sign that something is wrong here. Misfiring of your ignition system will also cause a rough and bumpy ride, or sometimes cause your car to stall completely when you come to a stop.

Fluid Theory

The fluids in your car are essential for cooling and lubricating all of the moving parts. These vary from the transmission fluid that keeps your wheels turning to radiator coolant that takes most of the heat out of your engine. The best way to know if your fluids are going bad is by inspecting them. That means using the dipsticks to check. Warning signs for fluids include a burnt odor or small bits of debris adhering to the dipstick.

Filter Out the Bad

Filters are found in the fluid systems of your car that touch moving parts. That means air, transmission, and oil. If you've checked your fluids and notice tiny bits of stuff in the fluid, you should get the filters changed. Your air filters also need changed on a regular basis, so if you can't remember the last time you've looked at it or changed it, now is the right time to do that.

Tighten Your Belt

Belts and timing are one of the last items on most checkup lists. While your motor turns your wheels, it's also turning the belts which are turning things like your water pump and alternator via the belts. Thankfully, it's easy to know when your belts go bad. You'll hear a constant squeaking noise whenever you start your car as the belts slip.

Knowing when to go in for a tune-up can be a guessing game but it doesn't have to. With a mechanic like Wolfe's Foreign Auto that you trust, you can work out a maintenance schedule for your car that will ensure it doesn't leave you stranded.


About Me

Improving Your Car's Performance

When I started traveling a lot for work, I realized that my older vehicle might not make the grade as far as performance went. My car was old, outdated, and needed a lot of repairs. It was frustrating to deal with issues on the road, but unfortunately, I came across more than just a few. This blog is here for anyone who needs to improve their car's performance. By reading these articles, you might be able to hone in on problems that are ruining your vehicle, make the necessary steps to make things right, and protect yourself while you are traveling for work.